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Most recent review: A Scanner Darkly in the category Second Run (4 stars)
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We planned to have Four Panels comin' back atcha in January. That was, however, before mecha got sick, Jenny's fiance died, and movie-watching suddenly seemed a whole lot less important.

Four Panels WILL be back sometime in the early half of 2007. Jenny doesn't want to make any more specific promises than that, though, because she has no idea how things is going to go. All she knows is that when things get started up again, she hopes at least some of you will be there.
It was a good movie. See it if you haven't yet.

That's about it.
At the heart of Four Panels is a simple concept: we like to watch movies. Unfortunately, movie tickets are expensive (especially for first-run showings) and so we can't actually see movies in the theater as often as we'd like.

If you can afford it, please consider donating. You can even pay us to review a specific movie! Just click the button to pay for our tickets, and include a note with your payment.

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